60 x 40m – Premixed ‘Wax Coated’ Silica Sand & Stabilising Fibre Surface

This equestrian arena project involved constructing a 60 x 40m equestrian arena (Manege) with a premixed “Wax Coated’silica sand & stabilising fibre surface.

We were requested by the clients to prepare and submit the planning application for the project, of which were quite happy to do.. As we offer a planning service to all our customers of which includes, site visits, preparation and submission of planning drawings, OS maps etc, completion and submission of planning forms & fees, liaising with planning officers etc.

Once planning had been approved, we began commencing with the site preparation works.. The site for the proposed arena was originally farmland, (arable crops) of which we were requested to plough out, and prepare the ground for the proposed arena also ready for grass seeding, as the clients requested that the farmland surrounding the arena be seeded and numerous paddocks created.

After all the land had been prepared, we commenced with the ground levelling works on the arena site, and then the drains, and base were constructed followed by the fence installation and finally the premixed ‘Wax Coated’ silica sand and stabilising fibre surface was spread and levelled, and the finally result is a fantastic equestrian arena with a great view too.

For more information or a quotation for construction/installation of an equestrian arena (manege), Please do not hesitate to contact us 01845 501793 or [email protected]




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